
To see an expanding number of movements of healthy reproducing faith communities

Core Essence

Distributing thought leadership


Equipping movement makers with actionable principles, ideas and solutions for the accelerated multiplication of healthy, reproducing faith communities


Exponential means, “accelerating multiplication.” That is the core of what we seek to do (our mission).

Our Team

Todd Wilson

Todd Wilson

Todd is co-founder of Exponential and provides vision, strategy and direction for the ministry. He is a Kingdom-entrepreneur who is naturally drawn to anything around the next corner

CEO and Co-Founder
Futuristic | Strategic | Activator | Command | Deliberative

Dave Ferguson

Dave Ferguson

Dave is co-founder of Community Christian Church, New Thing and Exponential. Dave serves as President of Exponential. His enthusiasm for “yes” is contagious.

President and Co-Founder
Futuristic | Activator | Command | Positivity | Arranger

Jason Stewart

Jason Stewart

Jason catalyzes movement for Exponential by bridging vision to strategy to implementation. He works to align and leverage the gifts and passions of the Exponential team.

Futuristic | Belief | Strategic | Responsibility | Positivity

Terri Saliba

Terri Saliba

Terri is the Operations Manager for Exponential and keeps all the moving parts moving. She is the perfect mother hen but is really our goose laying the golden eggs.

Executive Director
Woo | Communication | Relator | Belief | Positivity

Chris Hollomon

Chris Hollomon

Chris activates the many content and marketing strategies to further the multiplication message. He brings a rich experience for execution paired with effective relational leadership so the awesomeness abounds.

Content and Marketing Director
Strategic | Achiever | Activator | Command | Competition

Bill Couchenour

Bill Couchenour

Bill primarily serves network and denominational leaders of church planting movements with the Exponential resources. He also provides strategic and operational oversight of Exponential’s R&D and expanding educational opportunities.

Director of Learning Communities
Futuristic | Learner | Individualization | Responsibility | Connectedness

Ralph Moore

Ralph Moore

Ralph Moore is the Founding Pastor of the Hope Chapel movement. Beginning with just 12 people and a frightened young pastor, the Hope Chapel “movement” now numbers over 2,300 churches, worldwide (and counting). He helps catalyze church multiplication movements.

Multiplication Catalyst
Context | Activator | Maximizer | Learner | Arranger

Larry Walkemeyer

Larry Walkemeyer

Larry (with his wife, Deb) leads Light & Life Christian Fellowship, a large, urban, multiethnic church in Long Beach, CA that has planted many churches nationally and internationally. As an author and speaker Larry works to advance the multiplication mission of the church.

Equipping & Spiritual Engagement
Maximizer | Activator | Achiever | Futuristic | Positivity

Anna Wilson

Anna Wilson

Anna takes care of many of the details the rest of us forget or are not good at. She helps the rest of the team be more successful at their unique roles by taking care of things we'd miss.

Operations and Administration
Harmony | Responsibility | Consistency | Deliberative | Connectedness

Mariah Wilson

Mariah Wilson

Mariah is our registration concierge and customer service guru. Two things she loves about the conferences are 1. Helping people with registration, 2. Hitting up the snack stations.

Customer Service Specialist
Learner | Responsibility | Developer | Empathy | Individualization

Brooks Hamon

Brooks Hamon

Brooks is the youngest member of our team, possibly with the most energy. He is wired for details and research. If we need the answer to anything, Brooks is our man! He's our SIRI.

Regional Conferences and Sponsors
Input | Intellection | Analytical | Achiever | Context

Don Smith

Don Smith

Don leads our main stage creative programming, including developing the conference video elements, and works with bands, speakers and other main stage talent.

Creative Director
Activator | Woo | Responsibility | Restorative | Communication

Pat Masek

Pat Masek

Pat Masek serves as the main stage speaker care for Exponential. She also serves as the Executive Assistant to Dave Ferguson and a Global Catalyst for NewThing.

Speaker Care
Woo | Activator | Futuristic | Arranger | Communication


  • Serving

    We’re the catapult not the carrier. Our fruit grows on others’ trees.
    We seek to come alongside and help accelerate what God is already doing through others. We are not in competition with any church planting organizations but have a posture of you can do it, how can we help?

  • Diversity

    In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity, with a precious few essentials.
    Diversity of models and approaches. We seek to platform the aggregation of what God is up to rather than one model or approach.

  • Pursuing Next

    Yesterday faithfully becomes today. We seek to look out the window and see things before others do.
    We are future biased and continually look for what God seems to be up to around us. Most productive work happens in the trenches today. We seek to help leaders be more effective and productive today by helping them see around the next corner yesterday.

  • Frugality and Stewardship

    We are faithful with little and trusted with much.
    We seek to remain small and decentralized in our overhead with innovative funding models (e.g. Business for Mission) that are not donor reliant.

  • Partnerships and Collaboration

    We limit doing what others can do better.
    We seek to work synergistically with others to accomplish more together than the sum of the individual parts.

  • Leveraging Leverage

    Go big or go home
    We seek to multiply one into one hundred in all that we do (as a way of modeling and of stewardship).

  • Islands of Health and Strength

    Where is God at work and how do we join him?
    We seek to find and come alongside strong leaders, surrendered to God, to help accelerate what God is doing through them.

  • From Clarity to Action

    Ideas without fruit are simply academic.
    We seek to help people get clarity on what’s next for them including how to embrace and implement ideas, principles and strategies and then to act.


  • Does Exponential plant churches?

    No. Exponential seeks to come alongside and serve church planters and the organizations they are affiliated with. We seek to impact church planting by accelerating the multiplication of leading organizations who are planting churches.

  • Does Exponential provide financial grants to church planters?

    We do not provide financial grants, however, we do help resource other church planting organizations who do provide grants.
    How does Exponential serve church planters and church planting ministries? Click here to learn more about how we serve planters.

  • Who owns Exponential?

    Exponential is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that serves the broad, evangelical church planting community. The governing Board of Exponential consists of experienced leaders from church planting networks. The Board currently consists of leaders from New Thing (, Stadia (, Passion for Planting ( and Orchard Group (

  • Is Exponential affiliated with a specific network or denomination?

    The roots of Exponential trace to the Christian Churches. Today, Exponential serves any Evangelical ministry. We currently serve over 50 different networks and denominations.

  • Who are some of the ministries Exponential serves?

    Examples include: Association of Related Churches, New Thing, Acts 29 Network, Stadia, Launch Network, Vision 360, Orchard Group, Missio, Forge, Assemblies of God, Evangelical Free Church of America, Converge Worldwide (Baptist General Conference), Southern Baptists, etc.

  • How does Exponential fund its operations?

    We essentially function as a Business for Mission. This means we are not reliant on donor dollars or fundraising for operations. The fees charged for the operations we sponsor cover our operations. We maintain a very lean and frugal overhead. Where appropriate to pilot new initiatives and / or strategically grow existing initiatives, we do accept donor investments.